
Magical tools and other curiosities


le Duc va-nu-pieds

Traditional illustrator, Marjorie takes you into a universe tinged with occultism, darkness and a touch of revolt. She is keen to question the limits by putting "beauty" on what can be perceived as frightening, repulsive, taboo. She particularly enjoys handling her pen using the pointillism technique. But not only that... A jack of all trades by nature, she regularly experiments with new techniques in order to satisfy her appetite and give substance to her imagination, to the messages she wishes to convey.

Marjorie was born in 1981 in France and currently lives in a small town in the north of Sweden (a territory commonly called Lapland). Passionate about anthropology and having affinities with the concept of animism, this wild land has become one of her main sources of inspiration.

Why this name?

At the crossroads with the majestic Eagle Owl.

A first encounter in the wild in one of my "temple" places. Furtive but intense.

Then he was one of my pagan guardians for a number of years.
I hear it, actually see it or dream of it at key moments...

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